27 October 2010


Old proverb says, life is like a wheel. One day your on the top. The next day you might be on the lowest bottom. When you are on top, enjoy it. Feel it. It won't last forever. Neither when you're in the bottom. Be strong. Do your best. As one day you will get back to the top and you surely do not want to forget how it feels to be in the bottom.

New proverb says, destiny is in your hands. There is no such thing as coincidence and you are what you made yourself into. Always work to the hardest. Fulfill your inner and outer needs. You will be just fine! There is nothing to put you down.

I am what you call, the combination of old and new. Just like a new year eve. I humbly stated that I totally believe in what you call destiny. The higher power that human can't control. The wheel of life. Yet, I also believe you are the one to determine the speed of its rotation. The faster the speed, the less you would feel the up and down in it.

Anyway, this morning I wonder where is my current position. I figured, probably I am at my bottom with deviations, means I might going there or leave there. Which is fine. Totally. Well… maybe not really.

Graduation and Job? That's my wheel's peak.
Working and Work out? That's my stress relieve.
Myself and Family? That's what I live for (at least now)
Personal Relationship with people who USED TO be close to me? Aaaw… somebody kill me!

I wonder what have I done to make me deserve it. But then again, I'm only human who often feel perfection is my middle name. Maybe I did something in the past that hurt them, and now as the wheel turn down, the karma are going back to me. I am sorry people. For what I did :)

Well… Look at the time. I gotta go back to work! My sweet escape! (Oh no!! I'm losing it).

I might post something again soon. If I'm still feeling blue. Or pink. Or purple.

The past is the past.
Move on.

It is not the present.
Learn something.

It cannot be the future.
Afraid not.

Move on.
Learn Something.
Afraid not. 

As the past is the past.
Not the present.
Nor the future.


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