After years – well... actually it’s not that long, only three and a half years – living away from my mom, I decided to go back to her house and take a break from my ME activity. That’s including go out, work, study, or any kind of activities that push me away from my mom.
Like always, me as a hot-and-cold kind of person, have made up my mind that I am going to record every single day during my hibernation period. Hopefully, this time it goes well and not being left alone in the middle of April. :D
Day One: I found myself treasures!
April 4, 2011 – 15.00
My house has been rebuilt for almost six months up to now. Thanks goodness my room is safe from the dust disaster. Being the center of development, my mom’s room is totally torn apart. As I suspected, she decided to move into my room.
It was not a problem in the beginning, since I barely slept there. But as soon as I’m moving back in, things were getting slightly complicated. My mom is a ‘keeper’ in a way. She keeps all stuff she receives even things like bills and papers. She likes to put things in places, unorganized, creating a massive chaos in my room.
Being an impulsive clean-freak, I made up my mind that I had enough with her ‘stuffs’ and finally had the gut to tell her how I need to clean my room since I’m going to work from there. Last night I held her hand and looked her in the eyes and said, “Mom, I love you. But I really need to clean my room, kay?”
And there’s this silent moment just like every time we discussed about that specific matter. Last time I remembered talking about this to her, we ended up arguing.
Thanks God she finally said, “Please put my stuff in a box so that I could easily find it next time.”
Yaaaay! Victory!
So that’s how I finally decided to clean my room. Changed clothes – Done. Prepare the mop – Done. Drinking anti-allergy drug – Done! I was so well prepared!
Starting with my old stuff, I found old pictures of me and my ex during our holiday in Holland. It was a fun time – not really – boxed. Next!
My mom’s perfume collections got separated into several plastic bags – collected them – put them together – boxed. Next!
Papers! Yuuuum! My favorite… not. Put this here, put this there. Wait a minute! What is it? A funny looking old magazine! Let slack a bit and read – after all reading is always a good way to improve your knowledge, isn’t it?
One minute reading…. Two minute reading… weird! This old magazine is full of naked picture as in real pictures and photographs. Let’s try the article… woooow! Like reading a porn script! What in hell is this old magazine? The cover has been torn apart. Looking… looking… looking harder and… AHA! Penthouse October 1987 edition!!!
Nice, I said, with a big grin on my face. The penthouse published just a couple months after I was born. What a treasure!
Afraid my mom will now I accidentally found a treasure. I put the vintage penthouse back to the envelope that covers it and put it in the box together with my mom other stuff. Back to my old cleaning up spirit.
PS: They have a nice art in the magazine btw.
PSS: One most memorable quote, “I really don’t like drawing men with women. It will only disgrace the beauty of the women!” ~ an artist whose paintings being published inside Penthouse.