After blogger refused to upload more than four picture in the first section and after waiting for a confusing half an hour - not very patient, I know - here's another part of the pictures.
The Goddess
Taken in front of Utrecht, Domkerk. Some information from Wikipedia:St. Martin's Cathedral, Utrecht, or Dom Church (Dutch: Domkerk) was the cathedral of the diocese of Utrecht during the Middle Ages. Once the country's largest church and only cathedral, dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours, it has been a Protestant church since 1580. The building is the one church in the Netherlands that closely resembles the classic Gothic style as developed in France. All other Gothic churches in the Netherlands belong to one of the many regional variants. Unlike most of its French predecessors, the Dom Church has only one tower, the 112 m (368 ft) high Dom Tower, which is the hallmark of the city.
De Meern Church
T'was a foggy evening, during winter time in the Netherlands. Me and my friend, Mumba - a very nice Zambian girl, decided we need to walk to the nearest market for groceries shopping. It was Saturday and no shop will be opened on Sunday. We took the bus, got out at the wrong bus stop. Decided it's oki to get lost once in a while especially in a foggy and windy day like that. We found this church, complete with graveyard in front of it. The first thing came to our mind is that we need to take lots of pictures. So here one of them.PS: I was thinking about silent hill the whole time. (like maybe there this zombie dogs came to attacked us, or the walking dead. Thrilling!)
De Meern
Mumba was sick. She asked me to go with her to the doctor. The bus came every half an hour. So while waiting for the bus, I took the picture. It was so beautiful, the place I used to live for one and a half year. De Meern is a village outside Utrecht. Far from the school, bus rarely came. I just couldn't forget those days when I used to walk under snow storm just to go to school. But it's a very nice neighborhood.Spring Sky
Spring sky in De Meern. Imagine you see this after being stroke by fall and winter for more than 6 months. Rain, snow, wind, storm... this scenery was so enlightening, I just felt like I have to take picture out of it.The Bird in The Station
Taken in Utrecht Centraal Station, birds are just playing around in the station area. One time during winter, me and my friends were joking about how we were going to catch each and every one of the bird and cooked them for our dinner if the school did not disburse our monthly allowance anytime soon.
Where There's Pole, There's Bike
What's This?
This actually has special meaning for me. It's a pillow belong to Mumba and I named it Catepee. It does look like caterpillar, doesn't it? So... I used to spent time in Mumba's room when I felt lonely and homesick in my room. We lived at the same student house. She would just do her own business, with her loud sound system playing her kind of song, and I would just sit there and fell asleep. I miss her! :(Hogeschool Utrecht!
The scenery that I always saw when I left school. But this one time, it was so pretty I couldn't help myself not to take picture of it.
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