Butachan, The Pink Piggie
I bought Butachan before I went to Holland. Got attracted by its fluffiness and cuteness. Buta-chan literally means Piggy in Japanese.
Port of Volendam
I went to Volendam with a good friend of mine. He lived in Switzerland. Back then, even though I have lived in Holland for around a year, winter kinda locked me up inside my house. I never went anywhere except Utrecht, school and home. So when my friend came over for a visit, he's the one drag me all over Holland to enjoy the country. Volendam was one of the city he picked (he actually wanted to go to Edam to buy some cheese, since we couldn't find the way there, we decided to go to Volendam). And I fell in love with the city that moment I got there. I miss Volendam!
The Volendam Village
Still part of Volendam. One of my Dutch favorite singer is Volendamese. His name is Jan Smit. Though most, if not all, my Dutch friend dislike him, I think he's pretty cute and has a nice voice. By the way, according to my friend, Volendamese are famous for cross family marriage. Most Volendamese will marry other Volendamese. Thus, there are around four biggest family name in the Volendam village that confused me, as I though my friend's friends were brother since they have the same last name and both live in Volendam and both have similar physical characteristic. But they aren't.
Mr. Dog
Just a random dog picture taken by my friend in Volendam. It was a cold spring, but this one dog was playing actively with waves. Very cute.
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