19 April 2010

What would happen if a frog does sunbathing?

Few weeks ago, under the hottest sun of the day, my friend called me because he found something that looks like a frog right in the middle of our yard. I went out to see what's going on, only to find out that it was indeed a frog laying in our yard.

Curious because a frog never go far from water but this one was brutally sunbathing, we started to observe the brave frog with a thorough view. The frog sit still. With the head looking straight to the sun.

We got more and more curious. We decided to find a stick and poke the frog. The brave frog felt like stone! At that moment, we thought that the frog was not really a frog, but a stone carved as frog. However, seeing the detail of it, we still think that was a frog.

Finally, an idea popped up in my head. What if, this is a MUMMY of a frog?


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